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Trogir - Guides

Trogir - grad čija urbanistička cijelina spada među najvrijednije i najbolje očuvane spomenike srednjeg vijeka na istočnoj obali Jadrana, nastao je u 4. stoljecu prije n.e. kao grčka kolonija "Tragurion". Taj gradić u prvom stoljeću naše ere postaje dijelom Rimskog Carstva, razvivši se u važno trgovačko i upravno sjedište rimske provincije Dalmacije. Nakon pada Rimskog Carstva, Trogir je stekao... Read more

Cerkno - Guides

On the frontier of Primorska and Notranjska Kraska with the region of Gorenjska, on the slopes of the mount Črni Vrh (Black Peak) on 1291m of highness are situated the ski paths of the most modern slovenian ski resort-Cerkno. The ski resort extends on a surface of 70 hectares and covers a range grom 900-1300 m of highness and a ski season last from December till April. In case of a lack of... Read more

Betina - Guides

Betina was named after the celtic word "bet" which means mouth as it perfectly describes its location. It is situated on the island of Murter and is only 7km far from Tisno where the bridge connects the island with the mainland. Betina is situated in a small harbour on the peninsula. It was founded in the 15th ct. by the refugees from the mainland who fled in front of the Turks. Betina is... Read more

Mimice - Guides

Mimice is a typical Mediterranean place with a mild climate, situated in the center of Adriatic, 11 kilometers south Omis. It is located between the mountain Dinara and the wonderful gravel beaches. The monuments from its past, that are found near the church in the old part of this place are the witnesses of its history (more than three centuries old). In Mimice you will have an opportunity to... Read more
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